Tips & Resources for Healthy Marriages.

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Premarital Counseling, Marriage Counseling Taylor Anderson Premarital Counseling, Marriage Counseling Taylor Anderson

How to Navigate External Stressors as a Couple

Know that effort in the relationship won’t always be 50-50. Sometimes your partner may be limited physically, emotionally, or mentally. If your partner is facing the loss of a loved one, challenges with employment, or recovering from the birth of your baby, there is likely going to be a need for you to step in and offer extra care and support. Have a conversation about this, let your partner know you understand how difficult things are for them, and let them know you are there and how you can help.

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Marriage Counseling Taylor Anderson Marriage Counseling Taylor Anderson

How to Cultivate Resilience in Your Marriage

With each and every day in your marriage, you’re presented with an opportunity and a choice to take action toward the marriage you desire. It’s not always the easiest path to take, but it’s well worth it in the end. Always ask yourself, is what I’m about to do/say getting me closer to or further away from the type of marriage I would like to create?

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Taylor Anderson Taylor Anderson

Exploring Your Strengths & Growth Areas as a Couple

For some couples, it’s easy to forget about what is going right. Or, if you’ve been together for a long time, it’s very easy to forget what was going right earlier in the relationship. When couples do this, we call it negative sentiment override - when couples become so entangled in the negatives that they lose sight of what is actually going well.

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Marriage Counseling Taylor Anderson Marriage Counseling Taylor Anderson

5 Signs it’s Time for Marriage Counseling

Within the last decade, the stigma around therapy has decreased significantly. While couples therapy once might have caused others’ to assume there was trouble, instability, or wrongdoing in the marriage, couples therapy now has proven to be a powerful catalyst for deepened connection and improved relationship satisfaction.

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Premarital Counseling Taylor Anderson Premarital Counseling Taylor Anderson

What is Premarital Counseling?

Premarital Counseling is a proactive step and investment in the health of your marriage. By engaging in relationship education, meaningful conversations, and practicing positive relationship skills, you gain the confidence, skills and mentality necessary to thrive in marriage. Healthy and happy marriages don’t just happen naturally. They are intentional, action-oriented, and resilient.

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