marriage counseling for couples based in florida

Marital Mindset Counseling strives to help premarital and married couples develop a positive and growth-oriented mindset towards their relationship, fostering connection, understanding, and resilience.

Marriage Counseling for Intentional Couples.

Successful Marriages don’t just happen.

The reality of modern-day marriage is that over half of marriages end in divorce. None of these couples marry with the intention of ending their relationship, so where do things go wrong?

A long-term intimate relationship has the potential to be one of the most rewarding, supportive, and meaningful parts of our lives. However, without being nurtured, many marriages stop growing and become neglected, hostile, stagnant, or disconnected.

When couples engage in premarital counseling the focus is on setting the foundation for a lasting marriage. They receive the education, skills and discuss common topics that are often relevant for preparing for marriage.

When couples are already married, often the focus is on deepening their understanding and connection, repairing past hurts, reprioritizing the relationship & preparing for or adjusting to major life transitions related to children, work stress, or other challenges.

Hi, I’m Taylor!

I’m a Marriage and Family Therapist and Premarital Counselor in Miami, Florida.

I offer both premarital counseling and marriage counseling to couples both in Miami and throughout the state of Florida via virtual sessions.

If you’re a couple that feels like your relationship is going well, but you know there is always room for growth, you’re in the right place!

I love working with couples who know that marriage requires effort and intention - they just want/need the right tools and education to get their relationship to that next level of connection and understanding. The alternative often being, becoming stagnant, complacent, or developing unhealthy relationship habits.

My previous work with couples and families inspired me to create Marital Mindset Counseling. Often, therapy is used by married couples as a last resort before separation or divorce. While not impossible to salvage a relationship at this stage, it does make it significantly more challenging to alter negative thinking and unhealthy behaviors this far down the line. I often wondered how different these relationships could have turned out if they had the right preparation, education and practice right from the start. Even for couples who were able to turn things around, I often heard some variation of the comment - “I wish we would have started this earlier.”

This is what motivates me and I hope you as well.

Intentional and growth-oriented marriage counseling is a valuable investment in your relationship health and longevity. You are setting the right foundation for both your partnership and all others whom your marriage could impact down the road.

If you’re here, you’re already taking a great first step (props to you!). Begin Premarital or Marriage Counseling in Miami, Florida today.

  • "Taylor has been wonderful to work with for premarital counseling! We have enjoyed and gained a lot from each session we have had with her. She has taught us a lot about communication and has guided us through important conversations to have before we get married. If you are interested in impactful premarital counseling, we highly recommend Taylor."

    Maggie M.

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